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Metaverse as a Service Growth

From Venture Beat

It feels like we have every “as a service” these days: Software as a service (SaaS), hardware as a service (HaaS), development as a service (DaaS), cloud as a service (CaaS), robots as a service (RaaS), and so many more. Some are starting to use “XaaS” (X as a service) to capture the rise in as a service offerings. 

Not surprisingly, we’re headed toward metaverse as a service (MaaS). And it makes sense. Not every company wants to build its own metaverse platform, nor do they all want to build in Decentraland or Roblox

The in-between option is MaaS, which will allow enterprises to build their metaverse environments using established infrastructure, toolkits, and protocols.

There are already companies offering MaaS:

  • Lovelace World

  • Propel MaaS

  • Touchcast

  • MetaVerseBooks

To name a few.

MaaS will likely become an industry sector of its own with solutions providers and an entire ecosystem of supporting players. 

It seems to have MaaS appeal.