ExxonMobil Earns A Grade for Methane Mitigation

Whether you looked forward to report cards like me, the nerd, or dreaded them (or maybe even used them as an opportunity to practice your pre-Photoshop document editing skills), most of us probably don’t miss getting graded. 

But ExxonMobil is excited for its latest grade: an A under the independent MiQ standard for managing methane emissions. In true teacher’s pet fashion, it’s the first oil and gas company to earn the top mark for control of methane emissions from associated gas. 

The assessment took place at ExxonMobil’s Poker Lake, New Mexico, facilities in the Permian Basin and was completed by Responsible Energy Solutions, a Texas-based independent auditor, using standards developed by MiQ.

Buyers of natural gas are continually looking for cleaner supplies, and demand for certified gas is growing as this demand increases and standards are established. 

Be sure to join us, and a couple hundred energy emissions leaders in Houston in June for the 2nd Annual Methane Strategies Forum to learn all about the latest in methane tracking, mitigation, and certification. It’ll be a gas.