Insights from DroneDeploy’s State of Reality Capture Report
/from Geo Week News
DroneDeploy, developers of reality capture software, released its 2024 State of Reality Capture Report, which surveyed nearly 1,500 industry professionals about their use of reality capture.
While the results are likely skewed in favor of those using drones—since respondents are part of DroneDeploy’s network—the report offers insights into the trajectory of the reality capture market.
Here are some key findings from the report.
Adoption Trends
Adoption of reality capture tools is rising, especially among enterprise businesses. Larger companies are more likely to invest in reality capture technology due to better resources and understanding of its value.
80% of survey respondents from enterprises (more than 100 employees) are either using or planning to use reality capture. Adoption is rising as technology evolves and implementation becomes more cost-effective.
Reality Capture Across Industries
The architecture, engineering, and construction (AEC) sector leads in reality capture usage, followed by the oil and gas and renewable energy sectors.
75% of enterprise architecture, engineering and construction (AEC) respondents said their business is using reality capture software, compared to 60% across all sectors. The companies are leveraging reality capture for various purposes from project tracking to safety inspections.
O&G companies are seeing significant financial benefits and are actively exploring automation through ground robots and docked drones. Larger O&G enterprises are more likely to be using reality capture, likely due to the simple factor of resources.
Renewable energy companies are experiencing moderate financial returns and are also investing in robotics for automation. 45% of enterprise renewable energy companies said their business is using reality capture software, and 36% are planning to.
Benefits of Reality Capture
Businesses are seeing substantial returns on investment (ROI) from reality capture, with improved project visibility, time/cost savings, and enhanced communication being the key benefits.
86% of enterprise respondents estimated that in the past 12 months alone, reality capture has saved their company at least $5k. Larger enterprises are saving significant amounts, with half of them reporting at least $50k in savings.
Major benefits respondents are seeing include:
Better visibility of projects (77%)
Saving time and costs (57%)
Greater customer satisfaction (56%)
Improved stakeholder communication (50%)
The Future of Reality Capture
Businesses are optimistic about the future of reality capture, with increased spending expected. Some 62% of businesses plan to spend more on reality capture in 2024. And 34% expect to continue their current spend. Only 4% expect their spending on reality capture to decrease in 2024.
Automation is a key focus, with ground robots and docked drones expected to play a crucial role in data collection and inspection. Artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) are also anticipated to become more critical for data analysis and decision-making. 92% of companies surveyed predict reality capture tech will be key to staying competitive in their industry.
Overall, the report underscores the growing significance of reality capture tools across industries and the immense potential they hold for improving efficiency, safety, and decision-making processes.