Leveraging Robotics for a Sustainable Energy Future

In a recent episode of the Energy Evolution podcast by S&P Global Commodity Insights, Dan Testa and Taylor Kuykendall spoke to Troy Demmer, Co-Founder and Chief Product Officer for Gecko Robotics, and Gilman Callsen, CEO and Founder of Rho Impact, about the use of robots in power plant inspections for sustainability.

Here are our thoughts on that episode. You can listen to the full podcast here.

The Role of Robotics in Power Plant Maintenance

Traditionally, inspecting power plants is a manual, time-consuming, and expensive process. However, Gecko Robotics is working to revolutionize this field with their robots, which can perform inspections efficiently and safely, minimizing the need for human intervention. By identifying potential problems before they escalate, power plant owners can conduct preventative maintenance, enhancing efficiency and significantly reducing emissions.

The Connection to Sustainability

Maintaining power plants in optimal condition is vital for reducing emissions. When plants operate efficiently, they minimize the need for backup generation sources, which are often less efficient and more polluting. This proactive approach not only improves operational efficiency but also contributes to a substantial reduction in greenhouse gas emissions.

Demmer highlighted the significant impact of Gecko Robotics’ technology on emissions. By preventing unplanned outages and maintaining high efficiency in power plants, the robots help reduce emissions. For every 1% improvement in thermal efficiency, there's a corresponding 3% reduction in emissions. This is crucial for meeting global emission reduction targets and transitioning to a sustainable energy future.

Data Science and Climate Change

Carlson discussed the broader role of data science in addressing climate change. Rho Impact focuses on using data to provide actionable insights for reducing emissions. He emphasized the importance of traceable and auditable data in making informed decisions. While data science alone isn't a solution to greenwashing, it plays a critical role in forecasting and measuring the impact of various interventions.

Immediate Benefits for Existing Infrastructure

The discussion also touched on the immediate benefits of improving existing fossil fuel infrastructure. While the ultimate goal is to transition to renewable energy, enhancing the efficiency of current power plants can yield significant emission reductions in the short term. This dual approach ensures a balanced and realistic pathway toward a net-zero future.

Standardization and Future Outlook

Gilman underscored the importance of standardization in emissions accounting. Clear, standardized methodologies are crucial for accurate measurement and comparison of emissions data. The progress in this area is promising, with increasing attention from both public and private sectors. As companies strive to meet their net-zero commitments, the role of data-driven solutions and advanced technologies like robotics will be pivotal.


In summary, the integration of robotics and data science offers a powerful toolset for enhancing the efficiency and sustainability of our energy infrastructure. Gecko Robotics and Rho Impact exemplify how innovative technologies can drive substantial environmental and economic benefits. As we continue to evolve our energy systems, leveraging such advancements will be essential in achieving a sustainable and resilient future.